Skeleton 2m slot antenna

Re: [digitalradio] 6M 2M 70cm Periodic.

GB7CIP Technical Amateur Radio Articles edited by G8MNY Caterham Radio Group; CatRad History; CatRad Meetings; Local Radio Clubs; Foundation Course
views: 4380 posted: 1/7/2011 language: English pages: 341
Skeleton 2m slot antenna
Best 2 Meter Antenna 73 Magazine Information & IndexCrankIR 40m-2m Vertical - Activity Stream.
What do Bioware, Blizzard, High Voltage, Planet Moon, Shiny, Snowblind, Treyarch and Volition have in common? They were all once published by Interplay!
Skeleton 2m slot antenna
Thanks Skip, I had a K1FO design 2M beam but took it apart , too big for me. I also have old large 2M and 440 cross polarized Yagis laying in the garage doing nothing
Overview. 73 Magazine (also known as 73 Amateur Radio Today) was an amateur radio magazine that was published from October 1960 to September 2003. - ELEKTRO + MODELY - veľkoobchod, maloobchod ... - rc models, helicopters, toys, wholesale, retail, service
2 Meter Ham Antennas KISS ALIVE 1975 CONCERT WITH BONUS. 2 Meter Mobile Antenna
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What's your opinion of this antenna? It looks like a skeleton slot antenna variation. A bit smaller and perhaps actually a half slot
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Build 2 Meter Mobile Antenna